The Balance of Care Group



From here you can download – free of charge – some project reports and models we have undertaken which illustrate the variety of work undertaken by the Group.


Managed Outcomes Project (2012)

Download summary slide presentation of project case studies on type 2 diabetes, stroke, hip, osteoarthritis and dementia.


Identifying Alternatives to Hospital for People with Dementia (2007)

Report of the survey undertaken by the Group in Lincolnshire for the National Audit Office report ‘Improving Services and Support for People with Dementia’

Download Balance of Care - NAO - Dementia Report of Findings v1.0.3.doc


Commissioning Integrated Care for Older People (Department of Health Integrated Care Network, 2006)

Slide set for five regional workshops in England. The workshops included definitions and context of commissioning and integrated care and an introduction to the Balance of Care model.

Download Commissioning Integrated Care for Older People slides v1.1.ppt


The Balance of Care Project: Commissioning Alternatives to Hospital Care (North Hampshire, 2005)

This report highlights key results from a survey of 444 adult inpatients in community and acute hospital beds across North Hampshire using the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP) survey instrument. In addition, separate surveys were undertaken of day surgery cases and intensive care settings. The main survey also included acute old-age psychiatric patients.

Download North Hants Final Report v1.1.doc


Whole System Models of Care for Older People: Occasional Paper 1-05 (2005)

This paper was presented at the Euro Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services in Stockholm, 2004 and summarises finding from several bed usage surveys undertaken by the Group. Although there are differences in the scope of the surveys there are consistent features which arise in terms of clinical practice and the potential for reconfiguration of services.

Download BRG Occasional Paper 1-05


Who’s in the Beds: Surveying and the Aftermath: Occasional Paper 2-05 (2005)

This paper was presented at the Euro Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services in Stockholm, 2004. It describes a typical bed usage survey undertaken on several recent Balance of Care projects, and typical implications for strategic capacity changes which emerge. These, in turn, provide the basis for modelling and quantifying operational workforce requirements, illustrated by an example from a recent project.

Download BRG Occasional Paper 2-05


Identifying demand for intermediate care and community hospital provision in Oxfordshire (2003)

This report highlights key results from a survey of over 1000 adult inpatients in community and acute hospital beds across Oxfordshire using the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP) survey instrument. It was done to support local discussions around service capacity issues and how these should be taken forward. The report was raised in a House of Commons debate in 2004

Download Oxford final report


Intermediate care – Getting the Balance Right: Occasional Paper 1-02 (2002)

This is a general discussion paper by Group members on Intermediate Care issues and questions to be addressed such as identifying who intermediate care services are for and what they comprise.

Download BRG occasional paper 1-02