The Balance of Care Group


Other Projects

Members of the Balance of Care Group also undertake projects in an independent capacity or working with other colleagues and institutions. Here is a selection of subjects they have covered and clients they have worked for.

European Commission FP7 Project – Managed Outcomes (2010 – 2012)

Managed Outcomes was a three year research project which aimed to increase understanding of how the organisation and management of care processes can affect health outcomes for the patient. It involved a series of comparative case studies across six European countries covering four conditions: type 2 diabetes, stroke, hip osteoarthritis and dementia.

  • The downloadable pdf slide set provides an overview of the project
  • Report WP4 – presents the scenario analyses for the case studies, bringing together all the key elements of the project

Commission for Social Care Inspection: ‘Time to Care?’ Report (2006)

Members of the Group provided substantial expert input and analytical support for this report summarising current performance of home care services for older people in England and exploring the potential of this sector for future expansion and development.

The World Bank (2002, 2001)

Development of a management training curriculum for health service managers in the Republic of Latvia (with Keele University).

Development of a stable basis for determination of health care revenue expenditure. (Both projects were part of a World Bank Reform Programme)

European Commission (1999)

Study to assess the implications on health services of an ageing population (conducted across four member states).

World Health Organisation (1998)

Development of human resource management indicators for developing countries. Project manager of indicator implementation work with WHO and international non-governmental organisations in Nepal.

Brighton Health Care NHS Trust

Development of acute hospital planning model and management training programme (subsequently adapted for use as a computer-based management training game for the Centre for Health Planning & Management MBA programme).



Health Service Executive, Republic of Ireland (2007)

This major project involved designing and training local care staff to undertake a survey at all 32 hospitals with accident and emergency facilities across the country. Data from a representative sample of patient records was analysed to explore the potential for admissions avoidance and alternative post-acute care settings. The project was carried out in association with PA Consulting (Ireland).

European Commission (2000)

Impact of Ageing on Healthcare Costs

Supported by a multidisciplinary expert panel, this project identified age-related cost drivers on healthcare costs to 2025. The most significant conclusion was that, although the number of older people will increase substantially, this will be accompanied by improvements in their health status. The net effect on total expenditure, given constant levels of access, will be small. Demography is not the problem: it will be other factors that create upward pressures on costs, for example the rising expectations of the 'baby boomer' generation.


Sandwell Social Services (2000)

Analysis of potential demand under the ‘Welfare to Work’ programme.

Campaign for Effective and Rational Treatment (CERT) (2000)

Analysis of funding requirements for new oncology drug therapies on behalf of a Parliamentary Lobby Group (CERT), and identification of requirements for monitoring NICE guidance.

Aids Awareness Trust (1997)

Two related projects: analysis of the impact of combination drug therapies for HIV/AIDS patients; and specification and development of a resource-planning model for HIV/AIDS services. Estimates of resource costs were produced for the Department of Health and this was significant in unlocking national funding for ant-retroviral therapy.

Other areas of work include:

  • Health Scrutiny Development Support and Training
  • Older People and Mental Health Strategic Support
  • Learning Disabilities Partnership Boards Review
  • Better Metrics in Learning Disability Health Services