Paul Forte![]() With a background in geography and planning, Paul has over 20 years experience in health planning and management. This ranges from health services research at the University of Leeds where his doctorate focused on decision support systems in health and social care planning, through to the Department of Health Operational Research Service. He subsequently worked in a consultancy role and is co-founder of the Balance of Care Group. He also holds a senior lecturing appointment at the Centre for Health Planning & Management, Keele University where he teaches on MBA and diploma courses for managers and clinicians from both the UK and overseas. Much of his work has involved supporting people in using data and information and the development and application of whole system methodologies to local planning issues. ‘Whole system’ approaches and methodologies feature largely in this work and services for older people form a particular area of expertise including work on capacity planning and service redesign through bed usage surveys and the use of clinical benchmarking tools such as the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP). Other recent work for this client group has focused on telemedicine and telecare developments. Paul has worked with all levels of clinical and non-clinical care professionals, elected members and user and carer client groups, and across a wide range of health and social care organisations. Developing and running training courses and workshops is a particular expertise. Most work has been predominantly UK-focused, but overseas clients have included projects for the World Bank, European Commission and WHO. Although most of his projects are in the UK, he has also been involved in work overseas including projects for the European Commission on ageing in Europe and for WHO on human resources management performance (in Switzerland, Russia and Nepal). He recently advised on the development of a senior health service management training programme in Latvia for the World Bank. And he is co-director of an annual short course on health service operational research at the Netherlands School of Public Health, Erasmus University.
Tom Bowen![]() Tom has degrees in Mathematics and Operational Research, and an extensive background in the fields of healthcare planning and information systems spanning over 25 years. After analytical and management posts in both the Department of Health and the NHS, he has been operating in consultancy for the NHS and in other European countries for the last ten years. UK projects have ranged from national policy work and key infrastructure projects to extensive work with local Trusts, health authorities, PCTs, local authorities and partner organisations on a variety of planning and informatics issues. Tom has extensive experience of developing service plans for patient groups with chronic care needs, in particular services for older people. He has been involved with developing and applying the Balance of Care approach for several years, originally when working as an analyst at the Department of Health, then more recently through the activities of the Balance of Care Group. He continues to maintain an interest in healthcare systems in other countries, and has undertaken consultancies in a number of other countries including Latvia (on the future funding of its health service), Turkey (hospital capacity planning) and for the European Commission, where he led a project on the impact of population ageing on health care costs.